Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Schema of Privileges

In the spirit of the new year and counting blessings, I've created a schema of "privileges" that people may enjoy in life.  It's divided into four quadrants.

1: forfeitable and intrinsic (endowments):  things that are part of your identity, which can be lost or given up

2.  forfeitable and extrinsic  (blessings) : things that are not part of your identity, which can be lost or given up

3. nonforfeitable and intrinsic (immunities): things that are part of you that cannot be lost or given up, which often advantage you in terms of not being discriminated against

4.  nonforfeitable and extrinsic (rights): things that are not part of your identity, which cannot be lost or given up

Endowments: beauty, able-bodiedness

Blessings:  shelter, family love
Immunities: whiteness, maleness, heterosexuality
Rights: education, birthright 

As a community college professor, I'm starting this blog to analyze some of the issues in higher education.